Find the investors ?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Saint Louis and the History Channel

Watching the History Channel tonight regarding the I64 project and the sad conditions regarding our city’s sewers. Basically the last couple of shows involves the dire need for more funding needed to upgrade America’s infrastructure.

Instead of spending so much money on needless issues (and I am not talking about the Health care system here)…..imagine the bridges, dams, roads, sewers, levees that could be saved and kept up to date if local, state, and federal governments would get their act together. Imagine if a dam broke and not to mention the levees of New Orleans and the fiasco with Ameren UE regarding Taum Sauk reservoir spilt over December 14, 2005.

Don’t fool with Mother Nature because she fights back.

Not only was Taum Sauk a major issue, but over FOUR THOUSAND dams are unsafe and according to the History Channel the number of unsafe dams have quadrupled since 2001.

Average age of US dams are over 50 years old! States have cut inspections to the bone. Texas had seven inspectors for over 7400 dams and could only see over 230 dams….I am like wow.


Ok, off my soapbox…….for the moment.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dating and the military

My first exposure to military dating was during AIT.

Well, in basic one of the drills expressed an interest in me despite the fact the senior drill told him he needed to “behave” though I personally did not do anything to direct such attention towards myself. What with getting up at oh god thirty hours in the morning along with the fierce training, PT, marches, learning, getting all bruised up, losing my voice HOW could anyone find this then 17 year old attractive?

Anyway, he persisted and I kept him at arm’s length and when he was stationed at Fort Gordon (where I also went) he still wanted to go out and I still said no.

Through the years I have seen men and women hook up through the military, some relationships lasting, allot going to the wayside.

In Korea my mouth about dropped to the ground (can you imagine that?) seeing the kind of “in-discretionary” behavior coming from unit members. Mind you, I never dated in high school so everything I was experiencing was a shock to the senses.

Now of course there are some honorable men and women out there who are faithful to their spouses, who really want to see things work out. I have seen both men and women cry over broken hearts.

Now, what really gets me going….are people who cheat on their military partner when they are deployed or away for additional schooling. I am not talking about those men and women who cheat on their spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends while deployed but those who stay true to the honor of the uniform, to the code. Those who sacrifice themselves for the greater good, for our country and get shafted because their partner couldn’t “wait” for them to come home.

How lame is that?

Anyway, I just had to vent and wonder at times where people’s heads or at…especially those who find out you serve in the military and find it “distasteful” to go out because there is always the chance that you might get deployed.

‘nough said.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Not a Goodbye Party

The team threw me a party for my impending departure to Team B. I had tears in my eyes reading the stuff written on the erasable chalkboard in the conference room. The food was delicious…meatballs, salad, all kinds of deserts, pasta, my chicken fried rice (received compliments…bought the mix at Aldi’s—LOVE that store)…soda etc…and of course good company…laughed and laughed.

I know it’s greener pa$tures as far as where I am headed however one cannot put a pricetag on good company and wonderful co-workers.

They will be sorely missed.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Bronx Dream

I really enjoyed watching this documentary regarding inner city kids in the Bronx learning about the Irish culture and the music. Though a part of me feels there should be more done regarding their individual ethnic heritages I am glad there are programs such as this one which gives these kids a positive outlet and keeps them off the streets:

Known as the Keltic Dreams it was inspired by Caroline Duggan:

The Keltic Dreams Irish Dancers, are a group of 33 children ages 7-12 from Public School 59, PS 59 in the Bronx, NY. The school is situated in a low Socio Economic area in the Bronx and has a 95% poverty rate. The students are all African American and Hispanic and have no background in Irish culture. Hired by the Department of Education, I, Caroline Duggan, moved to New York over 4 years ago and began teaching music in the school. I had no intention of staying more than one year in the school but fell in love with the children’s drive to become professional. After being constantly asked by the children why I spoke funny I told them that I was from Ireland. The fascination began with questions about the Irish lifestyle, leprechauns and Irish dance. They questioned me about a huge photo of Riverdance I had hanging in the classroom . I showed the children a few steps and was truly amazed by how quick they grasped even the most complicated steps. They were fascinated with the Riverdance video from Radio City, which I still show them on a regular basis. Especially how the show incorporated different cultures into Irish dancing. With this idea in mind and with the amazing support of the principal and school, I began an Irish dancing program after school twice a week. The group The Keltic Dreams was born and have since had their own one hour show on The Plaza at Lincoln Center, in the Bronx Botanical Garden for Bronx week , St Barnabas Nursing Home, on the Band shell at Central Park, at Lehman College in the Bronx and in The Manhattan Mall at Herald Square NYC. They were the sole performers at the St Patrick’s Day Parade in Queens for Mayor Bloomberg and afterwards all the students marched in the parade joined by their parents. The Irish dance program has encouraged huge parental involvement, bringing the whole community together!!!! Much to my surprise some of the children had never been to Manhattan before they performed in these shows!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another trip to Chicago

Taking my car in to get an oil change and to see if I need an alignment. I swear, we need health insurance for cars!

Going to Chicago this weekend because my sister had an accident with a dog, don’t want to get into details but as her sister it is my obligation to ensure she is doing ok. Which she is. Just needs some moral support so won’t be blogging much over the weekend and into next week since will be taking Monday and Tuesday off.

Edit: Sister called, says not to worry about coming up, we’ll do something for my 41st b-day. UGH….8 more years until I am 50……ay mamasita! Going to Saint Charles this weekend to pick up a few items to send in a care package. She seems to be doing better. Thank GOD!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Inspiration to write

I googled myself (yes am that bad) and found something I wrote awhile back here in the Saint Louis Writer’s Guild:

How do you motivate yourself? How do rejections affect your writing? Janet Terrell wrote the following article on motivation for St. Louis Writers Guild.

From the time I was thirteen years old I had an urge to express myself. I used to write out my stories longhand. Then my father gave me an old Remington typewriter, the kind that had the horrid dual ribbon with the black stripe on top and the red on bottom. Even though it was a labor of love, I still sometimes wondered what motivated me to write.

What I have found from my own personal musings is that writing is more than putting words to paper. It takes a lot of thought, time, and energy. I have asked myself many times: What motivates a person to write, to expose their soul to the world? What compels a writer to express his or her views and ideas in characters and a storyline? Most important, what encourages a writer to persevere through the highs and lows of the writing process to reach the end of a story, or what’s even more challenging, a novel?

For me, motivation comes from inspiration, and inspiration arises out of my surroundings. I typically write in an environment that evokes my creative juices. I tend to gravitate towards calm places away from my family and cat. I love sitting on my bed with my laptop, door shut, allowing my mind to focus on the task at hand.

I began my first novel more than twenty years ago. I had watched the television mini-series North & South. I was inspired. This movie was all I needed to embark on my venture into the world of Historical Romance. However, what I found from reading a variety of this genre is that I do not like heavily laden novels dripping with sex or drowning in too many historical particulars. I had heard that one should write what one loves to read and so I was motivated to create historical romances that combined sex and history without overdoing it.

One of the ways I motivated myself to finish my first novel was by listening to inspiring music. The soundtrack to the movie Gladiator did it for me. Each song has its own special theme. I wrote my scenes to the music, thinking of various ways to bring out the meaning to the reader.

On a more personal level, I was inspired to share my work with the world. There is little in life that is more disquieting than the prospect of sharing one’s work with others. There is the potential risk of rejection from agents and publishing houses, however, a writer who is true to his or her craft will persevere. Even if he or she receives tons of rejection letters, they can be regarded positively. Rejection slips are nothing more than an opportunity to redirect energy into improvement. My advice is that a writer seek out any weaknesses, address them, and move on.

Sometimes the publishing industry can make a writer feel defeated. However, it’s important to realize that rejections are not always an indication of the quality of one’s writing. Sometimes perfectly good work is just not marketable at a given point in time. Sometimes a publisher has recently released something very similar. A writer seeking commercial publication should expect some difficulties finding a publisher. Self-publishing one’s work is a now a popular option given the advancements in technology that make it easier and less costly. Many new authors find this route easier. However, I highly recommend that those who choose to self-publish hire an editor to ensure a quality product.

What motivates one person to complete a novel may not work for another. It is incumbent upon writers to discover the circumstances that best stimulate their personal motivation to write. For myself, I allow all of my five senses to completely encompass me. Writing is not just placing words on paper from my point of view; it is a full body experience where emotions are caught up in the moment—not unlike a characters’ emotions are caught up in a romance, a loss, or rejoicing. Writing, to me, is not something that can be forced. Genuine creativity comes when the spirit and mind work in harmony, and that is where I find my motivation is at its peak of power.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Country…

purplemountains2Part of me wants to disappear and drive to the Rockies…fell instantaneously in love with the topography of Colorado when I was driving to Vegas and became simply gobsmacked at the sheer heights and ethereal beauty of our country.

Whenever I travel cross country (which seems quite often these days) I am astounded by the vastness of our great nation….of our highway systems, people traveling….the variety of beauty contained within our nation: when it comes to our citizens, myraid of customs, down to simply watching the miles of roads passing me by.

Reminds me of the song America the Beautiful (used to belt this one out as a kid whenever I had a chance). :^)

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned – stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife.
Who more than self the country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for halcyon skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!

O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America ! America !
God shed his grace on thee
Till paths be wrought through
wilds of thought
By pilgrim foot and knee!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man’s avail
Men lavished precious life !
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!

By Katherine Lee Bates

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Getting “to know” the library again

"A new adventure awaits!"

"A new adventure awaits!"

Ever since grade school I have held such an intense fascination for books. They were my form of escape.

Through college I used to live at the library eager to get into my hands a brand new world…reading pages upon pages of the most delicious…exciting adventures…always imagined myself in the position of the heroine.

I miss those days–reading the classics, one of my favorites were those penned by Charlotte and Emily Brontë .

Planning to get a library card and renew my lifelong passion.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The New Nation – Internet Edition

Story Summary:…Even when Dr Abdul Kalam, then President, raised the subject based on my inputs there was no sincere attempt to clarify the position….Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group….Independent private studies (Dutch & German) have revealed that vaccinated children suffer much more than their un-vaccinated counterparts….There are no tests to determine the effects of multiple vaccines….As per senior doctors quoted by the Times of India, Children suffer from less that 2% of vaccine preventable illnesses but 98% of the vaccines are targeted towards them….Children are vaccinated simply because parents can be frightened to forcefully vaccinate their children….Parents have been advised against vaccinating in private clinics and hospitals….Vaccines contain heavy metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing any harm….The CDC of USA, the vaccine watchdog, has publicly admitted that its much-publicized 2003 study denying any link between vaccines and autism, is flawed….The Autism epidemic is found only in those countries that have allowed mass vaccinations….In the year 1999, the US Government instructed vaccine manufacturers to remove mercury from vaccines with immediate effect….The brain being made mostly of fat cells, most of the mercury accumulates there giving rise to the peculiar symptoms of the autistic children….As per a Tehelka article on Autism, if one considers the WHO limit for mercury in water, they are receiving 50,000 times the limit….It destroys the brain causing severe memory and attention problems….The majority of symptoms displayed by autistic children match symptoms of heavy metal poisoning….Majority of the school shootings by the children in the USA have been committed by autistic children….As per a recent study the MMR vaccine has an adverse effect on the vital mucosal immune system….The DPT also causes children to regress giving rise to fears that multiple live virus vaccines are an important cause behind autism….Before the autism epidemic, it was already well known that vaccines have caused the cancer epidemic in todays society….This serum has helped many cancer causing monkey viruses, 60 found so far (SV 1 to SV60), to enter the human blood stream….It is also known that it is the use of green monkey serum in vaccines that has led to the transfer of the Simian Immune deficiency Virus (SIV) from monkeys into humans….Infantile jaundice and also infantile diabetes is also scientifically connected to the toxic vaccines….The OPV has also let loose a new strain of polio in both India and Africa….Deaths and permanent disability from vaccines is very common and known by the medical community….They are instructed by the Government to keep quiet and not to associate such cases with vaccines….Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today….The mothers milk therefore does not contain natural antibodies and can no longer protect the child against illnesses….In the USA vaccine adverse effects are recorded and the Government offers compensation of millions of dollars to victims (the most recent case in its Vaccine Court may have received upto $200 million in damages)….The Indian Government simply refuses to acknowledge that vaccines can cause deaths and permanent disability….We still do not know enough about the human immune system and therefore should not interfere with it….In India the Government assures the population through massive advertising campaigns that vaccines are extremely safe….Senior medical doctors have challenged even the vaccines recommended by the Government of India….The BCG vaccine for tuberculosis has been extensively tested in India as long back as 1961 and found to be totally ineffective….The Hep-B vaccine introduced recently is not meant for children at all, it is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease that should be targeted only at promiscuous adults….The doctors themselves avoid giving the DPT to their children and relatives as per a survey amongst US health care professionals….The Rotavirus vaccine, Hib vaccine, HPV vaccine and the various multi virus vaccines being introduced without any kind of testing is only because the vaccine manufacturers and the doctors administering them want to ensure a good income from them….They care two hoots about medical ethics and the fate of the children who will receive these vaccines….Various independent studies, notably the Dutch and the more recent German study, comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children have found that vaccinated children are prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, hyperactivity etc. The death rate amongst vaccinated children is much more than the unvaccinated ones….The powerful countries can spread lethal epidemics by just polluting the vaccines with bio warfare agents….This is obviously at the instance of foreign (read US) vaccine giants who are shifting base to India reeling at the tremendous opposition to vaccines in US and European countries….The Govt of India is planning a vaccine park at Chennai where these vaccine MNCs will set up base….As per the IOM, USA, vaccine research for a probable link between vaccines and autism should not be conducted….The IOM concluded that efforts to find a link between vaccines and autism must be balanced against the broader benefit of the current vaccine program for all children…

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Times Online - Science Central - WBLG: The Times Debate: Your Genetic Future

Story Summary:…Kari bridled at this, eyes blazing like lava floes in Giless wonderful phrase, and insisted this was simply untrue….But I sided with Helen on another issue, which provoked a less predictable explosion from Kari and a declaration that I was unimpeachably wrong….This time, Karis ire was inspired by my comment that most genetic effects are probabalistic, not deterministic….Most people wrongly still think of genetics as primarily a deterministic science, a matter of effects that are written in the genes, when genetic influences are usually much more fuzzy….Ownership of one of these does not mean that you will get this disease or that, only that your genetic risk is higher than average….This has to be taken into account when we think about genetic discrimination….It means that assessing somebodys suitability for a job on the basis of their DNA would not only be unfair, but also misguided….This doesnt means that genetic testing will not have great medical utility….It will — not least in identifying higher-risk people who might usefully be screened early for diseases such as breast and prostate cancer….Pick your candidate on the basis of his or her genes, and you stand a very good chance of missing out on the one who would perform best….Mark Hendersonis Science Editor of The Times, and a double winner of the Norwich Union / Medical Journalists Association awards….He is the author of 50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know….He is the author of 50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know….Sam Listeris the Health Editor of The Times….She has a PhD in space physics from Imperial College but has long given up being a proper scientist….She has a PhD in space physics from Imperial College but has long given up being a proper scientist….Read the Full Story

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Come, let's change the life and let's change the world - together - for one and for all!

Will you run with me, enjoying and free?

I promise you, you will lose nothing but for your worries.

Come, let's change the life and let's change the world - together - for one and for all!


I am addressing you...

You - who still are left with some fire within!

Just don't let it extinguish, just keep it burning till you keep running!

But let's stop for a moment and take a close look at the facts of life first; using our gray matter intelligently in order to ascertain what has gone wrong and where.

Come; let's, at least, try to change the life and let's, at least, try to change the world - together - for one and for all!

Even trying is its own fun in itself!

Let's change the world!

...the way we live,

...the way we love,

...the way we learn,

...the way we earn,

...the way we play,

...the way we slay,

...the way we rule,

...the way we fool,

...the way we act,

...and interact,

let's change it all,

and break every wall,

between man and man,

O yes, we CAN!

What has gone wrong, and where?


I lived many years a victim to all the socio-economic pressures on to my psyche that it preys on us with.

But then one fine morning I said enough was enough.

I came out of the maze.

I stepped out of the rat race.

But that didn't mean that I stopped running.

I did that at my own pace.

And surprisingly I discovered I ran faster than I did when I was running to win!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Structure For Life

Welcome to Structure for Life, the practice of Erin Herdina, Certified Advanced Rolfer in Minnetonka, Minnesota. I am dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of my clients through Structural Integration, the science and art of Rolfing.

If you are not yet familiar with Rolfing or Structural Integration, I've provided information About Rolfing that I hope you will find useful:

  1. The Basics of Rolfing
  2. A Video Introduction to Rolfing
  3. Benefits of Rolfing
  4. Getting Started with Rolfing
  5. The History of Rolfing
  6. Rolfing FAQ
  7. More Information

Questions? Need a consultation?

If you have comments or questions about my services, or if you simply want more information, please contact me.

Thank you for visiting and I look forward to working with you.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


UNESCO: A key actor in the fulfilment of the global biodiversity agenda

  • ©Ventoux BR
Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, is disappearing at an unprecedented and most likely increasing rate. This situation contradicts the international "2010 Biodiversity Target", which aims at significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. Science and governance for conserving and sustainably and equitably using biodiversity are key elements to decrease the rate of its loss. Since its early days, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme has initiated programmes and activities focusing on the diversity and the resources provided by nature, humans' impacts on biodiversity, as well as how biodiversity affects human activities. These initiatives are intended to contribute to the fulfillment of a global biodiversity agenda

Friday, May 29, 2009

Special Rapporteur focuses on the right to education of persons in detention

Special Rapporteur focuses on the right to education of persons in detention
  • © UNESCO/Roger, Dominique
  • Kenitra Penitentiary, Morocco
People in detention constitute a highly marginalized group that faces endemic violations of its right to education, according to a report recently presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The annual report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education notes that a disproportionate number of persons in prison come from poor, discriminated and marginalized groups.

An estimated 30 percent have learning disabilities. Global statistics suggest that at least 1 million children are detained, of which many have a history of school failure. There is no guarantee, according to the report, of access to education for all children in detention. The report also assesses education programmes for children living in prison with their mothers and draws attention to the status of women in prisons. It details complex educational challenges faced by prisoners, including the absence of educational materials, waiting lists of up to three years for courses, staff shortages, the absence of learning spaces and the withdrawal of educational “privileges” as a punitive measure.

Learning in prison through educational programmes is generally considered a tool of change. Their value can be judged by the impact on recidivism, reintegration and employment outcomes upon release. The report demonstrates an urgent need to redouble efforts to respect, protect and fulfill the right to education. It recommends that public education be made available to all detainees to at least cover the compulsory education curriculum.

Related links

Thursday, May 28, 2009

22 New Sites Join the UNESCO's World Network of Biosphere Reserves

Have a look at the photo gallery below

22 New Sites Join the UNESCO's World Network of Biosphere Reserves
  • Geres /Xures BR

The 21st session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-ICC) is held from 25 to 29 May 2009 on the Island of Jeju, Republic of Korea. Today the MAB-ICC decided to add 22 new sites from 17 countries to the UNESCO's World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) which now counts 553 sites in 107 countries. The new sites include:

Lagunas de Montebello, Mexico, is set in a hydrological region of high biological diversity. Its location - in the area that connects the Highland region of Chiapas and the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico, which corresponds to the central massif - makes it particularly important. The karst landscape and more than 50 lagoons of varying sizes give the area its scenic beauty. The site is critically important for water harvesting and climate regulation. Local communities are involved in the management of the site's ecological resources. They practice a range of agricultural activities increasingly focusing on practices compatible with conservation function. For example the traditional coffee production has shifted to organic production with organic conversion of the grain which, together with reforestation and tourism activities have emerged as alternatives which support the sustainable development of the area.

Fuerteventura, Spain, is the second biggest island of the Canaries archipelago, close to the West African Coast. It includes a wide range of ecosystems from desert or semi-desert areas to coastal and marine habitats. While the island is characterized by a rich diversity of marine species, including dolphins and cachalots, as well as marine turtles that reproduce on its beaches, the biosphere reserve also represents one of the world’s major geopalentological observatories. Development of sustainable ecotourism practices is the major focus of the population living on the island. The island is also investing in the increase of its renewable energy capacity, mainly through wind-based and solar energy production and is representing itself as one of the models for the implementation of the European Union's Directive on Renewable Energy.

Flores Island, Portugal, part of the western group of the Azores archipelago, represents the surface part of a seamount close to the Mid Atlantic Riff. It was created by volcanic activity which started less than 10 million years ago. The biosphere reserve includes the whole emerged area of Flores Island and some adjacent marine areas with significant landscape, geological, environmental and cultural assets. High cliffs dominate most of the coastline, which is dotted with islets. The area supports traditional fishing and attracts valuable tourism, specifically for diving, whale and dolphin watching and shore walking.

Delta del Orinoco, Venezuela, is characterized by great biological diversity in its terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, home to more than 2,000 plant species and a wide array of land and water fauna. The biosphere reserve’s biodiversity is complemented by the cultural wealth of the Warao people. Promoting productive activities within the site creates opportunities to strengthen the Warao communities, secure their settlements and improve their living conditions.

Mount Myohyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is a sacred site as, according to legend, it was the home of King Tangun, forefather of the Korean people. The scenic mountainous area rises nearly 2,000 metres above sea level. Its spectacular rocks and cliffs provide a habitat for 30 endemic plant species; 16 plant species that are globally threatened and 12 animal species that are also endangered. A wide variety of medicinal herbs also grows in the site.

Shinan Dadohae, Republic of Korea, comprises an island archipelago in the southwest of the country. It includes terrestrial and marine areas as well as large tidal flats, which are home to a great diversity of species and serve as resting places for rare migratory birds. Traditional forms of fishing (e.g. hand-fishing) and salt production are still practiced in this area.

Great Sandy, Australia, a terrestrial, coastal, marine area, features the largest rainforest stand on sand in the world. It includes the natural site of Fraser Island with its freshwater dune lakes, which was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1992. The local community Burnett Mary Regional Group for Nature Resources Management has promoted the designation of the area as a biosphere reserve fostering ecotourism and niche organic agriculture.

Nokrek, India, is a biological hotspot in the state of Meghalaya featuring undisturbed natural ecosystems and landscapes. Besides harbouring elephants, tigers, leopards and hollock gibbons, the area is also noted for its wild varieties of citrus fruit which may come to serve as a genepool for commercially produced citrus.

Pachmarhi, India, is located in the heart of India, in Madya Pradesh State, and includes tiger and other wildlife reserves. At the interface of several types of forest - tropical, moist and dry as well as sub-tropical hill forests - the area is considered a botanist’s paradise. Through their social and cultural traditions, local tribes contribute to conservation of the forest while drawing on a variety of resources for nutrition, agriculture and income generation.

Similipal, India, is a tiger reserve in the eastern Indian state of Orissa, which used to be the hunting ground of the Maharajah of Mayurbhanj. This tropical environment abounds with tigers, elephants, panthers, deer and numerous plant species, making it a living laboratory for environmental scientists. The area’s tribal inhabitants depend on agriculture, hunting and collection of forest products for their livelihoods but additional sources of income are badly needed to alleviate their poverty.

Giam Siak Kecil – Bukit Batu, Indonesia, is a peatland area in Sumatra featuring sustainable timber production and two wildlife reserves, which are home to the Sumatran tiger, elephant, tapir, and sun bear. Research activities in the biosphere include the monitoring of flagship species and in-depth study on peatland ecology. Initial studies indicate good potential for sustainable economic development using flora and fauna for the inhabitants’ economic welfare. The site is also an interesting experimental area regarding carbon dioxide (CO2) in the context of carbon trade mechanisms.

Mui Ca Mau, Viet Nam, on the southern tip of the country, demonstrates ecological succession systems on new alluvial lands. Its conservation value is further marked by its role as the boundary between mangrove and Melaleuca forests, and as a reproduction and breeding area of marine species. Plans for the sustainable development of the site focus on ecotourism and cultural tourism to showcase the inhabitants’ rich heritage. Training is also planned to improve agriculture and fishing.

Jabal Moussa, Lebanon, is located on the shoulders of the western slopes of the northern Mount Lebanon Chain facing the Mediterranean Sea to the west. It is a relatively large (6,500 ha), wild and unspoiled area protected by municipal laws that aim to conserve its ecological integrity, natural systems and species. Jabal Moussa is renowned for the unspoiled historic Adonis Valley with its ancient agricultural terraces and trails that date back to Roman times. The valley features rivers and streams, rangeland with landraces, mixed forests with oak, pine and olive groves and many economically important plant species, as well as undisturbed wildlife habitats that are home to wolves, hyenas, hyraxes, birds and reptiles.

Lajat, Syria, is located in the southernmost point of Syria on the border with Jordan. The site, known for its extremely diverse biological richness, encompasses some of the most striking landscapes in the region. It offers significant opportunities for developing ecologically sustainable human activity, through existing rotation grazing schemes, landscape restoration and excavations, and development of the Lajat archaeological ruins. Lajat also provides educational opportunities to illustrate the importance of fauna and flora in local life and economy as well as the interdependence of cultural and biological diversity.

Biosphäre Bliesgau, Germany, is applying the concept of the “in-between-city” approach to link two very contrasting landscapes, densely populated and urbanized in the north in the town of St Ingbert, and sparsely populated and rural in the south. It supports extensive ongoing research on ecological changes in its urban, suburban and rural areas in the context of global climate change. The range of activities demonstrating sustainable development, including educational and environmental awareness initiatives, is a source of inspiration for the region. A special Biosphere Association has been established for the site.

Swabian Alb, Germany, is located in the European Jura, with beech forests and extensive orchards as well as pine and spruce forest, grassland and extensive meadows. Close to Stuttgart, it covers a total area of 84,500 ha and has a population of 150,000. Programmes for sustainable development for the biosphere include agriculture and forestry, green businesses and ecotourism, as well as the promotion of local products and cottage industries and there are plans to bolster renewable energy use, notably for transportation. The biosphere includes the Münsingen Military Training Area in the Hilly Alb, an area that was closed to the public during 110 years, until 2005. It remained undisturbed; retaining the characteristics of 18th and 19th century cultural landscapes and is one of the largest noise-free areas in Baden-Württemberg.

Altaisky, Russian Federation, is located in the North-Eastern and Eastern Altaï along major mountain ranges. Noteworthy for its biodiversity and cultural heritage, it covers 3,532,234 ha and is home to 15,000 inhabitants. The core area is a part of the Golden Mountains of the natural UNESCO World Heritage site of Altaï. The site, which cooperates with Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina Biosphere Reserve and the Khakassky national reserve, is important for tourism, including the development of green tourism. Established as a reserve in 1932, it is among the areas of the world least affected by human intervention and has rich flora and fauna. Indigenous populations living in the biosphere’s transitional area include Tubalars, Chelkants, Telengits, Kumandins, Telengits, Kumandins, and Teleuts.

Vhembe, South Afica is world renowned for its rich cultural and biological diversity. It includes northern part of the Kruger National Park, Makuleke Wetlands Ramsar Site, the Soutpansberg and Blouberg bio-diversity hot spots, as well as the Mapungube Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site and the Makgabeng Plateau with more than 1000 rock art sites. Human activities in the site are predominately agricultural, including production of subtropical fruits and vegetables, cattle and game farming and hunting. The Venda, Shangaan and Sepedi people, who are the main population group in the area, have a rich history of traditional indigenous knowledge ranging from wood carving and drum making to traditional healing.

Desnianskyi, Ukraine is located in Eastern Polesie, along the Desna River. With a total surface of 58,000 ha, the site covers a mosaic of ecosystems, including forests, rivers, lakes, flood plains, bogs. It is an important site for environmental research, including monitoring of rare species such as bears and lynx. The main human activities focus on agriculture, forestry, fishery and sport hunting. Main sustainable development activities include organic agriculture and green tourism on the Desna river as well educational activities developed in the context of the ‘Desnianski Zori”ecological camp for schoolchildren. Tranfrontier sustainable tourism is being developed in collaboration with the Russian Federation with efforts to establish a Transboundary Biosphere Reserve between the two countries.

Geres /Xures is a transboundary biosphere reserve situated between Portugal and Spain and established on the basis of the biogeographical continuity of the Sierras Galaico-Miñotas and associated valleys shared by both countries. The importance of the site from an ecological standpoint is due to the richness of forest and peatland ecosystems and a high level of endemic species which had developed under both oceanic and Mediterranean climatic influences. With local communities forming an integral part of the regional landscape, sustainable development centres have been established in the biosphere reserve to support municipalities in their efforts to strengthen the environmental sustainability criteria in local development. With a joint management plan both countries will be able to benefit from each other’s experience and cooperate in the sustainable management of ecosystems and related services of shared characteristics for the benefits of local communities.

Cu Lao Cham – Hoi An,Viet Nam, is a coastal/island/marine site in the central part of the country, which is particularly known for its marine species such as corals, molluscs, crustaceans and seaweed. The biosphere reserve also contains Hoi An, a cultural world heritage site, which is an ancient trading port evidencing the fusion of Vietnamese and European cultures. The linking of cultural assets and natural values in terms of biodiversity, Cu Lao Cham – Hoi An is well poised in promoting sustainable ecotourism.

Tasik Chini, Malaysia, is the country’s first site as a UNESCO designated biosphere reserve. Located in the southern part of the Malaysian peninsula, the site is the water catchment area of Tasik Chini Lake situated in the centre of the biosphere reserve. The lake is a sanctuary for many endemic freshwater species on which intensive research and monitoring is carried out by various research institutions. Handicraft production (such as textiles) around the lake and its tributary rivers are seen to have great development potential for the larger area.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

World Heritage Committee to meet in Seville to inscribe new sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List

World Heritage Committee to meet in Seville to inscribe new sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List
  • Photo © UNESCO/Renato Valterza
  • Seville Cathedral

The World Heritage Committee will consider requests for the inscription of new sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List when it meets for its 33rd session in Seville, Spain, from 22 to 30 June.

During this year’s session - to be chaired by María Jesús San Segundo, the Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Spain to UNESCO - 35 States Parties to the World Heritage Convention will present properties for inscription on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Three of those countries - Burkina Faso, Cape Verde and Kyrgyzstan - have no properties inscribed on the World Heritage List to date.

Thirty new properties in total were submitted for inscription on the World Heritage List this year: 4 natural, 23 cultural and 3 mixed (i.e. both natural and cultural) properties, including 4 transnational nominations. In addition, 7 extensions to properties already listed have been proposed (see list below).
The Committee will also review the state of conservation of the 30 World Heritage properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and may decide to add to that list new properties whose preservation requires special attention. The List in Danger features sites which are threatened by a variety of problems such as pollution, urban development, poorly managed mass tourism, wars, and natural disasters, which have a negative impact on the outstanding values for which the sites were inscribed on the World Heritage List.

One of the properties on the List in Danger, the cultural landscape of Germany’s Dresden Elbe Valley, will come under particular scrutiny as the Committee will decide whether to remove the property from the World Heritage List because of the building of a bridge in the heart of the landscape.

To date, the World Heritage List recognizes 878 properties of “outstanding universal value,” including 679 cultural, 174 natural and 25 mixed properties in 145 States Parties.

The Convention encourages international cooperation to safeguard the common heritage of humanity. With 186 States Parties, it is one of the most widely ratified international legal instruments. When signing the Convention, States Parties commit to identifying sites for potential inscription and to preserving sites on the World Heritage List, as well as sites of national and regional importance, notably by providing an appropriate legal and regulatory framework.

The World Heritage Committee, responsible for the implementation of the 1972 Convention, comprises representatives of 21 countries, elected by the States Parties for up to six years. Each year, the Committee adds new sites to the List. The sites are proposed by the States Parties. Applications are then reviewed by two advisory bodies: cultural sites by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and natural sites by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which inform the Committee of their recommendations. The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (ICCROM) provides expert advice on conservation and training in restoration techniques.

The World Heritage Committee also examines reports on the state of conservation of inscribed sites and asks States Parties to take appropriate conservation and preservation measures when necessary. The Committee supervises the disbursement of over $4 million annually from the World Heritage Fund, aimed, among other purposes, at emergency action, training of experts and encouraging technical cooperation. UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre is the Secretariat of the World Heritage Committee.

Accredited journalists will be able to attend the opening ceremony of the 33rd session (22 June), which will include the participation of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, representatives of the government of Spain, the Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, the President of UNESCO’s General Conference, George N. Anastassopoulos (Greece), and the Chairman of UNESCO’s Executive Board, Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yaï (Benin). They will be informed of the work and decisions of the Committee in regular press conferences during the Committee session.

Natural properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List:
The Wadden Sea (Germany and the Netherlands);
The Dolomites (Italy);
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (extension to the Tubbataha Reef Marine Park, the Philippines);
Korean Cretaceous Dinosaur Coast (Republic of Korea);
Lena Pillars Nature Park (Russian Federation).

Cultural properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List:
The Architectural and Urban Work of Le Corbusier (Argentina, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland);
City of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg (Extension to the City of Graz Historic Centre, Austria);
Tangible Spiritual Heritage of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk (Belarus);
Stoclet House (Belgium);
Cultural property of the historic town of Jajce (Bosnia and Herzegovina);
Gold Route in Paraty and its Landscape (Brazil);
The Ruins of Loropéni (Burkina Faso);
Cidade Velha, Historic Centre of Ribeira Grande (Cape Verde);
Historic monuments of Mount Songshan (China);
Historic town of Grand-Bassam (Côte d’Ivoire);
Sites of Great Moravia: Slavonic Fortified Settlement at Mikulčice – Church of St Margaret of Antioch at Kopčany (Czech Republic and Slovakia);
The Causses and the Cévennes (France);
From the Great Saltworks of Salins-les-Bains to the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans, the production of open-pan salt (Extension to the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans, France);
Schwetzingen – A Prince Elector’s Summer Residence – Garden Design and Freemasonic Allusions (Germany);
Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System - Bridges, dams, canals, buildings and watermills from ancient time to present (Iran);
The Triple-arch Gate at Dan (Israel);
Italia Langobardorum. Places of power and worship (568-774 A.D., Italy);
Sulamain-Too Sacred Mountain (Kyrgyzstan);
The Mercury and Silver Binomial on the Intercontinental Camino Real. Almadén, Idrija and San Luis Potosí (Mexico, Slovenia and Spain);
Mehrgarh, Rehman Dheri and Harappa as an extension to the Indus Valley Civilization Sites (Extension to the Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro, Pakistan);
Sacred City of Caral-Supe (Peru);
Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty (Republic of Korea);
Church of the Resurrection of Suceviţa Monastery (Extension to the Churches of Moldavia, Romania);
Levoča and the Work of Master Paul in Spiš (Extension to Spišský Hrad and its Associated Cultural Monuments, Slovakia);
Tower of Hercules (Spain);
Seruwila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya (Extension of the Sacred City of Kandy, Sri Lanka);
Farms and Villages in Hälsingland (Sweden);
La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le Locle, Clock-making town planning (Switzerland);
Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal (United Kingdom).

Mixed properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List:
Mount Wutai (China);
Lonjsko Polje Nature Park - A Living Landscape and the Floodplain Ecosystem of the Central Sava Basin (Croatia);
The Cultural Landscape Orheuil Vechi (Republic of Moldova).

Please note that States Parties can withdraw a nomination request before the start of the Committee meeting.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Jean Michel Jarre acts as Master of Ceremonies for the Global Launch of the International Year of Astronomy (2009)

Mr Jean Michel Jarre during the ceremony.jpg

10-05-2009 2:25 pm Mr Jean Michel Jarre, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, served as Master of Ceremonies the Global Launch ceremony of the International Year of Astronomy(2009), which took place at UNESCO Headquarters on 15 and 16 January.Mr Jean Michel Jarre during the ceremony.jpg

The Year, a joint initiative of UNESCO and the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which was proclaimed through Resolution 62/200 adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2007, has the ultimate aim of encouraging citizens of the world, especially young people, to rediscover the universe in which we live and to promote widespread access to the basic sciences and to increase scientific literacy, especially among youth. The Year also aims to promote the role of women in astronomy and the sciences and help developing countries strengthen their capacity in the astronomical sciences.

Also participating in the Global launch opening ceremony were Mrs Catherine Cesarsky, President of the IAU, Mr Reynald Seznec President and CEO of Thales Alenia Space, and Mr Giuseppe Pizza, Vice-Minister for Education, Universities and Scientific Research of Italy.

In his opening address, Mr Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, began by noting that “the celebration of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) is the culmination of the vision and hard work of many partners.” He continued by paying tribute to the IAU, whose leadership had been instrumental in making this vision a reality.

He highlighted that the Year provides us with a fantastic opportunity to expand the knowledge and understanding of the universe, its stars and planets, and their link to and impact on our daily life, and enable all people to explore the wonders of the universe and appreciate the benefits of its study for society

There are quite a few events taking place throughout the Year, notably the eleven cornerstone projects. These projects are comprised by such events as the worldwide observation of “100 Hours of Astronomy”, a round-the-clock awareness-raising event spanning all the continents and scheduled to take place from 2 to 5 April, and the “Dark Skies Awareness” project, which aims to preserve and protect dark night skies in places such as urban cultural landscapes, national parks and sites connected with astronomical observations.

Mr Matsuura highlighted UNESCO's thematic initiative, “Astronomy and World Heritage”, whose main objective is to establish a link between science and culture and acknowledging the cultural and scientific values of properties connected with astronomy. The Director-General ended his intervention by underscoring that the sky belonged to all of mankind, regardless of beliefs and religions and was therefore a tool for peace and understanding among the peoples of the Earth.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

NESCO Publications

UNESCO Publications
  • © UNESCO
UNESCO publications consist of substantive material published for external audiences. They concern a variety of media, including print, electronic and multimedia, and include both free
Publications and Distribution Plan – overview 2008 and 2009

The following resources provide easy to consult information on UNESCO publications issued in 2008 and planned for 2009:

Publication and Distribution Plan – Titles published in 2008 (PDF, 25 p): key information about publications issued in 2008

Publication & Distribution Plan – Titles to be Published in 2009 (PDF, 25 p): key information about publications planned for 2009

UNESDOC@lerts Publication: on this page, you can subscribe to the UNESDOC Publication Plan alert, which gives you personalized access to information on new UNESCO publications.

New biosphere reserves to be announced

New biosphere reserves to be announced
  • © Paul Swee

The 21st session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-ICC) will be held from 25 to 29 May on the Island of Jeju, Republic of Korea. The MAB-ICC will review progress made since the Madrid Action Plan (MAP) for Biosphere Reserves was adopted at its 20th session in Madrid, Spain in February 2008 and decide on proposals for the future of the Programme. Among the decisions, new sites will be added to the UNESCO's World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR).

Thirty-six proposals from 25 countries* will be examined by the MAB-ICC. Selected sites will join the Network that currently comprises 531 sites in 105 countries.

Biosphere Reserves are areas designated by local and national authorities to serve as places to test different approaches to integrated management of land, water and biodiversity. As such, Biosphere Reserves are being promoted as working models for sustainable development, as a specific MAB contribution to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).

The award ceremony for the winners of the US$6,000 2009 Michel Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management - Boshra Salem (Egypt) and Gorshkov Yu (Russian Federation) – will also take place during the MAB Council meeting.

Launched in the early 1970s, the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) develops the basis and proposes an interdisciplinary research agenda, within the natural and the social sciences, for the sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, and for the improvement of the relationship between people and their environment globally. It uses its World Network of Biosphere Reserves as a vehicle for knowledge-sharing, research and monitoring, education and training, and participatory decision-making.


* Australia, Brazil, Chile, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Finland, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Syria, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe

Saturday, May 23, 2009

MedLiHer, Mediterranean Living Heritage

* Meetings
* 25/26-05-2009, Paris: Opening seminar of the Mediterranean Living Heritage project (MEDLIHER)

Contribution to implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Mediterranean partner countries

With the support of the European Union, UNESCO has launched the Mediterranean Living Heritage Project (MEDLIHER) to support the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic, with the participation of the Maison des Cultures du Monde (France).
Location of Mediterranean MedLiHer partners

The project’s overall objective is long-term capacity-building for implementation of the Convention in the Mediterranean countries, in particular by developing national safeguarding projects and supporting the participation of States Parties in international mechanisms. The action is also intended to improve regional cooperation and exchange of skills/experience by establishing a network of institutions and developing a web portal with a database.

MEDLIHER is co-funded by the European Union through its Euromed Heritage Programme, which aims at contributing to mutual understanding and dialogue between cultures through the Mediterranean region by the valorization of cultural heritage. Euromed Heritage 4 (2008-2012) creates new opportunities for people’s awareness and appropriation of their extraordinary common cultural heritage.

Following a selection process led by the European Commission’s Co-operation Office and the delegations to Morocco and Syria with the support of the RMSU, MEDLIHER was selected together with other 11 projects within Euromed Heritage 4.

* Project description
* Partners and contacts
* Opening seminar : 25/26-05-2009, UNESCO Headquarters (room IV)

MedLiHer, Mediterranean Living Heritage

* Meetings
* 25/26-05-2009, Paris: Opening seminar of the Mediterranean Living Heritage project (MEDLIHER)

Contribution to implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Mediterranean partner countries

With the support of the European Union, UNESCO has launched the Mediterranean Living Heritage Project (MEDLIHER) to support the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic, with the participation of the Maison des Cultures du Monde (France).
Location of Mediterranean MedLiHer partners

The project’s overall objective is long-term capacity-building for implementation of the Convention in the Mediterranean countries, in particular by developing national safeguarding projects and supporting the participation of States Parties in international mechanisms. The action is also intended to improve regional cooperation and exchange of skills/experience by establishing a network of institutions and developing a web portal with a database.

MEDLIHER is co-funded by the European Union through its Euromed Heritage Programme, which aims at contributing to mutual understanding and dialogue between cultures through the Mediterranean region by the valorization of cultural heritage. Euromed Heritage 4 (2008-2012) creates new opportunities for people’s awareness and appropriation of their extraordinary common cultural heritage.

Following a selection process led by the European Commission’s Co-operation Office and the delegations to Morocco and Syria with the support of the RMSU, MEDLIHER was selected together with other 11 projects within Euromed Heritage 4.

* Project description
* Partners and contacts
* Opening seminar : 25/26-05-2009, UNESCO Headquarters (room IV)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Africa Week at UNESCO from 25 to 29 May

“Africa Within its Cultural and Sports Dynamics” is the theme this year for Africa Week, organized at UNESCO headquarters from 25 to 29 May. Several events organized by the Africa Group of member states to mark Africa Day (25 May) will highlight the continent’s wealth in these domains. Also in the context of Africa Week, the President of the Republic of Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré, will present a lecture on 29 May entitled “Conflict management: the example of Mali”.

For the whole week an exhibition (in Miró hall and the Salle des Pas Perdus) will present individual stands (African arts and crafts, sports and traditional games), multimedia stands including one for the African Nations Cup (CAN) to be held in 2010 in Angola, and other special stands devoted to the 2010 soccer World Cup (South Africa), the “Arts Nègres” world festival (Senegal), and the reinstallation of the Aksum Obelisk (Ethiopia).

Four films will be screened during the week: Le Ballon d’or, by Cheik Doucouré, with Salif Keita (25 May, 6 p.m.); Endurance, a tribute by British director Leslie Woodhead to Haile Gebreselassie, young Ethiopian who won the 10.000 metres at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 (26 May, 6 p.m.); Destiny, by Youssef Chahine (27 May, 6 p.m.); and La rivale by Edouard Carrion from France (28 May, 6 p.m.).

Lectures and debates (Room IV) will address the following topics: Africa-Caribbean: cultural identity and development issues (26 May, 4 p.m.); Sport and development in Africa: challenges (27 May, 4 p.m.); and Cultural diversity assets…in the context of the global crisis (28 May, 4 p.m.).

On 29 May, the President of the Republic of Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré, will make an official visit to UNESCO. After a meeting with Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, he will give a lecture (Room I, 10.35 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.) entitled “Conflict management: the example of Mali” to the Ambassadors and Permanent Delegates.

On the same day, an Anti-Doping Forum will be held, with athletes from Africa and the diaspora, including: Zinedine Zidane, Hadhari Djaffar (Comoros), Sergado (Côte d’Ivoire), Sammy Traoré (Mali) and Simão Mate (Mozambique).

Africa Week will end on 29 May with a cultural and artistic evening (6 p.m., Room I, by invitation).

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

21st Session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme

21st Session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme
  • © JEJU All rights reserved

25-29 May 2009

Jeju KAL Hotel,
Jeju City,
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province,
Republic of Korea

The 21st session of the MAB-ICC will be held from 25 to 29 May 2009 in the Island of Jeju, Republic of Korea. The MAB-ICC will review progress made in the implementation of the Madrid Action Plan adopted at its 20th session and decide on proposals for the future of the Programme. Among the decisions, new sites will be added to the UNESCO's World Network of Biosphere Reserves

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Education and culture top priorities for UNESCO Director-General’s first visit to Iraq

Literacy, higher education and the restoration of a World Heritage site were top priorities when Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki met in Baghdad on 7 May. Following their meeting the Director General signed three memoranda of understanding with the Government of Iraq.

“UNESCO’s leadership in education and cultural heritage builds on our existing work and notable successes in Iraq since we started here more than six years ago,” the Director General said. “We are adding to our activities now with the support of the Government of Iraq and we appreciate this vote of confidence.”

The memoranda of understanding focus on two critical areas for the Iraqi government, education and the preservation of historical sites. The Iraqi government will co-finance the following activities:

• A National Literacy Campaign: Designed to reduce illiteracy by 50% in the next five years. Illiteracy is currently pegged at about 5 million people.

• Establishing the College of Archaeology: To be located at the universities of Samara and Kofa for the purposes of developing a national capacity to maintain and protect the heritage of the country for future generations.

• Restoration of the Al-Malawyah Minaret, the Great Mosque, Samara: Part of the Samara Archaeological City, which was placed on the list of World Heritage Sites in danger. UNESCO has been actively involved in restoration of historical sites in Iraq, including the Great Mosque of Samara, as well as protecting Iraqi antiquities.

The Director General’s delegation included Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned in her capacity as both First Lady of Qatar and UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education. Her Highness confirmed that Qatar will fund three UNESCO education projects in Iraq focusing on Curriculum Review, Support to Higher Education and Support for Iraqi Academics.

In addition to his meetings with the Prime Minister, the Director General spoke by telephone with President Jalal Talabani and with the president of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masoud Barzani. The Director General also visited the Iraq National Museum, which will soon reopen to the public following a UNESCO supported restoration that included capacity building and equipment for the museum’s laboratories, which were looted and destroyed in March 2003.

The Director General thanked the Special Representative of the Secretary General and head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, Staffan de Mistura, and the UNAMI staff for their assistance in making this important visit possible. UNESCO’s office for Iraq prepared the visit in close cooperation with UN SGSR and Mr de Mistura accompanied Mr Matsuura throughout his visit.

Sunday, May 17, 2009



© UNESCO/Ian Redmond
Young mountain gorilla (Rwanda)

Saving our nearest relatives

Humanity’s closest relative, the gorilla, is in danger. Development, poaching and war have been decimating one of the only animal species which, like us, can use tools. Nevertheless, UNESCO’s gorilla preservation projects have begun to bear fruit on this International Year of the Gorilla, 2009.

gorillas begins
with education

The main objective of the International Year of the Gorilla is to mobilize decision-makers and the public to save this great ape species, a species capable of intelligent thinking, 95% of whose DNA is identical to ours. This is of vital importance as populations have been declining in recent decades..

Every animal species is valuable and has a part to play in maintaining the ecological balance of its natural habitat, but the cause of the gorilla elicits particular sympathy because they are so similar to us. So much so that their name, has its root the Greek word gorillai, meaning tribe of hairy women, used by the Carthaginian, Hanno the Navigator, who sailed along the coast of West Africa in the 5th century B.C. and spotted hirsute creatures, some kind of ape if not actual gorillas, on his voyage

In the absence of visual evidence from Hanno’s journey, it is impossible to tell whether gorillas are indeed the “hairy women” he named. Up to date complete data about the gorillas is still not always available, but modern science divides them into two species - Eastern and Western gorillas - and four subspecies

Social organization


Each subspecies has feeding, physiological and life style differences. But all gorillas are migratory and live in groups of five to 30 individuals dominated by one silverback adult male, typically 12 years of age or older. The silverback is the strong, dominant leader who is the centre of attention, makes all decisions, mediates conflicts, determines the movements of the group, leads the others to feeding sites and takes responsibility for the safety and well-being of all.

Younger males, called blackbacks, may serve as backup protection. Males will slowly begin to leave their original troop when they are about 11 years old, travelling alone or with a group of other males for 2–5 years before they attract females to form a new group and start breeding. Gorillas are vegetarian but silverbacks have been known to kill the young child of their predecessor. They will then mate with the female whose child they killed.
Gorillas only breed every three or four years. Because of their migratory lifestyle, they require a lot of space, which is why UNESCO favours the definition of large landscapes for their preservation, areas that include a wide buffer zone with biosphere reserves where people can find sustainable livelihoods. Education projects to help the inhabitants understand, respect and maximize the benefits of sustainable resource management are essential for the success of these preservation projects.

All species are important

Mambaele Mankoto of UNESCO’s Natural Science Sector is heartened by the recent increase observed in gorilla populations in the Virunga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This improvement can be attributed to ambitious programmes for conservation of biodiversity in regions of armed conflict launched by UNESCO in 2000 with the United Nations Foundation and the European Union. The projects have focused heavily on helping forest guards carry out their all-important work. “But conflicts are still latent and we must not lower our guard,” cautions Mankoto, who highlights the need to convince donors to provide funds for projects that specifically target gorilla preservation.

One way to reduce hunting for bushmeat and traditional medicine is to convince local populations that gorillas are worth more alive than dead. Conservation institutions in the RDC and the Rwandan National Parks Office have concluded an accord whereby gorillas that come from RDC to Rwanda are visited by tourists there and Rwanda pays a share of the profit, US$ 30,000 dollars per annum on average, back to the RDC. Mankoto welcomes this as a fine example of transboundary cooperation within UNESCO’s mandate of peace-building with the gorillas as ambassadors.

Nevertheless, gorilla tourism must be managed with care, as contact with humans can have a negative impact on these great apes whose immune systems are unprepared for some of the diseases we carry. Humans also continue killing gorillas not just for bushmeat but also for cultural reasons. While some people still believe that placing a gorilla bone in a baby’s bathwater will fortify the child, the major threats facing our closest animal cousins remain deforestation, road-building, traps laid for other animals and mining.

Mankoto for his part hopes that the International Year of the Gorilla - launched by the United Nations Environment Programme’s Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the UNEP/UNESCO Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) - will serve as a plea for this animal which, in captivity, has proven it can acquire an impressive mastery of human sign language.

In their natural habitat, gorillas provide valuable services in forest husbandry as they make clearings along their migratory path, allowing the sun to reach the underbrush, and digest seeds of species which they disseminate in their feces. Mankoto reminds us of the need to resist anthropocentrism: “All species are important; the loss of any species represents and impoverishment of the environment, physical, cultural and spiritual.”

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Member States

Member States

With the entry of the Republic of Singapore to UNESCO in October 2007, the Organization has now 193 Member States and 6 Associate Members.

The Sector for External Relations and Cooperation (ERC) and the Africa Department (AFR) ensure liaison with Member States. While AFR covers the Member States from the Africa region, ERC is responsible for relations with the Member States from the four other regions and with Associate Members.

Relations with Member States are also ensured by the Directors and Heads of the UNESCO Regional, Cluster and National Offices.

Most Member States have established Permanent Delegations to UNESCO which, headed by Ambassadors, undertake liaison between the Organization and their governments.

Almost all Member States have established a National Commission for UNESCO. The UNESCO National Commissions are national cooperating bodies set up by the Member States for the purpose of associating their governmental and non-governmental bodies with the work of the Organization.

Member States and Associate Members designate one or several Ministries responsible for relations with UNESCO and/or Ministries in UNESCO's fields of competence.

UNESCO emphasizes its efforts to involve nationally (Parliamentarians) and locally elected representatives (Cities and Local Authorities) in its action.

2008 Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize is awarded to President of Brazil Lula da Silva

The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was chosen today as the laureate of UNESCO’s 2008 Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize. The award ceremony will take place in July.

Announcing the jury’s decision, former President of Portugal Mario Soares declared: “The jury has decided to give the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Prize to Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of the Federal Republic of Brazil, for his actions in pursuit of peace, dialogue, democracy, social justice and equal rights, as well as for his valuable contribution to the eradication of poverty and the protection of minorities’ rights.”

The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize - created in 1989 and awarded by UNESCO annually – honours people, organizations and institutions that have contributed significantly to the promotion, research, preservation or maintaining of peace, mindful of the Charter of the United Nations and the Constitution of UNESCO.
Previous laureates of the Prize include Nelson Mandela and Frederik W. De Klerk; Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Pérès and Yasser Arafat; King Juan Carlos of Spain and former US President Jimmy Carter; Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari. Several of them have later been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was chosen today as the laureate of UNESCO’s 2008 Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize. The award ce

Announcing the jury’s decision, former President of Portugal Mario Soares declared: “The jury has decided to give the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Prize to Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of the Federal Republic of Brazil, for his actions in pursuit of peace, dialogue, democracy, social justice and equal rights, as well as for his valuable contribution to the eradication of poverty and the protection of minorities’ rights.”

The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize - created in 1989 and awarded by UNESCO annually – honours people, organizations and institutions that have contributed significantly to the promotion, research, preservation or maintaining of peace, mindful of the Charter of the United Nations and the Constitution of UNESCO.
Previous laureates of the Prize include Nelson Mandela and Frederik W. De Klerk; Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Pérès and Yasser Arafat; King Juan Carlos of Spain and former US President Jimmy Carter; Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari. Several of them have later been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

UNESCO opens its doors for “European Night of Museums”

UNESCO opens its doors for “European Night of Museums”
  • © UNESCO/Michel Ravassard

For the first time, UNESCO will participate this year in the European Night of Museums and open its doors* to the public on 16 May. Visitors will have the opportunity to tour the premises free of charge and view some of the art objects on display.

From 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. (last entry at midnight), visitors can admire works including “The Fall of Icarus” by Pablo Picasso; the “Spiral” mobile by Alexander Calder; Isamu Noguchi’s “Peace Fountain” and “Japanese Garden”; the “Wall of the Sun” and “The Wall of the Moon” by Joan Miró and Josep Llorens Artigas; “Walking Man” by Alberto Giacometti; an untitled tapestry by Le Corbusier; and a mural by Rufino Tamayo, “Prometheus Bringing Fire to Mankind”.

Thanks to the generosity of artists and Member States, UNESCO’s artistic heritage is the largest within the United Nations system. The collection was started more than 50 years ago, coinciding with the construction of Headquarters.

UNESCO thus extends its patronage to the European Night of Museums, an initiative by the Council of Europe linked to celebrations for "International Museum Day" on 18 May, launched by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). UNESCO aims to highlight the role of museums in promoting cultural exchange, education, development of mutual understanding and peace among peoples.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Development of Nanotechnologies: a Key Debate in the Arab States

An important meeting on nanotechnologies and development in the Arab States, to take place from 18 to 19 May 2009, in Doha (Qatar), will provide an opportunity for participants to consider the modalities of implementation of the ethical guidelines and policies which COMEST addressed to UNESCO Member States in 2007.

Development of Nanotechnologies: a Key Debate in the Arab StatesDuring the meeting in Doha, UNESCO will continue its reflection that it began on nanotechnologies in an effort to study and formulate ethical principles and guide their development.

The phenomenal advancements in nanotechnologies raise key questions for the scientific community and public opinion: What are the issues at stake related to health and the environment? What are the risks of military and biomedical applications? How can universal access to new discoveries and state-of-the-art technologies be ensured?

The forty participants, from different regions of the world, will be invited to provide answers and to exchange views on the conditions of implementation of the recommendations and strategies on ethics in the Arab region. These were developed and addressed to UNESCO Member States in 2007, by the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST).

At the crossroads of several scientific disciplines – such as electronics, mechanics, chemistry, optics, and biology – which manipulate objects the size of a nanometer (one billionth of a meter), there is potential for nanotechnologies to affect all facets of human activity: information and communications technologies, materials, energy, water, space, medicine etc.

Furthermore, nanotechnologies are a major challenge to scientific policy. Nanotechnologies have essentially evolved in a field where the traditional distinction between science and technology is difficult to maintain, due to scientists and engineers having to work together, breaking down the boundaries between disciplines and allowing approaches and technologies to converge. The study of nanotechnologies therefore requires a holistic approach based on a true interdisciplinary dialogue.

Aware of all these issues, UNESCO has taken various initiatives to develop a global overview of the ethical dimensions of nanotechnologies and to examine the implications of these initiatives on its Member States, as well as the measures that can be taken.

One expected outcome at the close of the doha meeting is that the Arab region, which has experienced first-hand the rapid development of this new technology, will take heed of all these issues – in particular, the ethical dimension – and will therefore be capable of implementing the recommendations formulated by COMEST, which essentially consist of three maxims: establishment of an ethical framework, raising public awareness and promoting debate on nanotechnology, and the need for ethics education.

Education and culture top priorities for UNESCO Director-General’s first visit to Iraq

Literacy, higher education and the restoration of a World Heritage site were top priorities when Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki met in Baghdad on 7 May. Following their meeting the Director General signed three memoranda of understanding with the Government of Iraq.

“UNESCO’s leadership in education and cultural heritage builds on our existing work and notable successes in Iraq since we started here more than six years ago,” the Director General said. “We are adding to our activities now with the support of the Government of Iraq and we appreciate this vote of confidence.”

The memoranda of understanding focus on two critical areas for the Iraqi government, education and the preservation of historical sites. The Iraqi government will co-finance the following activities:

• A National Literacy Campaign: Designed to reduce illiteracy by 50% in the next five years. Illiteracy is currently pegged at about 5 million people.

• Establishing the College of Archaeology: To be located at the universities of Samara and Kofa for the purposes of developing a national capacity to maintain and protect the heritage of the country for future generations.

• Restoration of the Al-Malawyah Minaret, the Great Mosque, Samara: Part of the Samara Archaeological City, which was placed on the list of World Heritage Sites in danger. UNESCO has been actively involved in restoration of historical sites in Iraq, including the Great Mosque of Samara, as well as protecting Iraqi antiquities.

The Director General’s delegation included Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned in her capacity as both First Lady of Qatar and UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education. Her Highness confirmed that Qatar will fund three UNESCO education projects in Iraq focusing on Curriculum Review, Support to Higher Education and Support for Iraqi Academics.

In addition to his meetings with the Prime Minister, the Director General spoke by telephone with President Jalal Talabani and with the president of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masoud Barzani. The Director General also visited the Iraq National Museum, which will soon reopen to the public following a UNESCO supported restoration that included capacity building and equipment for the museum’s laboratories, which were looted and destroyed in March 2003.

The Director General thanked the Special Representative of the Secretary General and head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, Staffan de Mistura, and the UNAMI staff for their assistance in making this important visit possible. UNESCO’s office for Iraq prepared the visit in close cooperation with UN SGSR and Mr de Mistura accompanied Mr Matsuura throughout his visit.

Monday, May 11, 2009

School for sustainability

What are the implications of ESD for the Arab region?

ESD is an imperative in Jordan, and across the whole Arab world, because although sustainability is more than a concept, it’s not yet a culture. Raising awareness in schools, universities, the public sector, and private companies is crucial if we are to make the most of our precious resources, and provide opportunities for our youthful population.

The Arab world faces serious development challenges: 5.7 million of our children are not enrolled in school, almost three and a half million of them are girls; 8.9 million of our young people are illiterate; and only one in four young people has a job. We must put young people at the top of our local, regional, and global agendas.

60% of our region is under the age of 30, that’s 70 million young people in the Arab world. They need our help in order to become all they can be. And that means that we need to create jobs, urgently. We need to be graduating young people with the skills and the tools they need to participate competitively in the global and regional job market. ESD is a key foundation block for us.

I am pleased that there have been some significant strides in this field. Last year, a group of dynamic business leaders established the Arab Sustainability Leadership Group, which I am proud to chair. Not only are members publishing sustainability reports and engaging civil society and business leaders, they are practicing their businesses in ways that support economic vitality, ecological integrity, and social equity. And that’s a smart start; they are great role models, but there’s still a long way for us to go.

What aspects of Education for Sustainable Development are particularly important to you and your country?


We recognize that all aspects of ESD are important for Jordan to prosper now and in the future. But given our water scarcity issues, water education and management are very important to us, as well as caring for, and making the most of, all our natural resources – our beautiful nature reserves, for example.

Additionally, ESD is important for us from a gender perspective. I’m proud that we’ve achieved gender parity at all levels of education in Jordan; in fact we have more girls at university than boys. But that doesn’t translate into workforce figures yet. Traditional mindsets still result in girls getting married and having children early, not joining the labour market – although, I’m pleased to say that this is changing. ESD is important to teach children and parents how girls can play a crucial and productive role in Jordan’s development.

Can you mention some specific projects?

To be honest, it’s still a fledgling concept, but we’re working very hard to increase awareness and visibility of ESD. For example, Jordan established a national ESD working group with members from government, universities, NGOs, and the private sector to promote ESD across all sectors; and ESD has been included in legislation to protect the environment.

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), with the Ministry of Education, has been integrating environmental concerns into the Jordanian curricula to ensure that environmental awareness is developed at an early stage. The RSCN organizes nature teams at schools, has founded over 1000 conservation clubs at local schools, and has prepared ESD manuals.

Several NGOs are active in providing non formal education and informal education opportunities for youth and women all over the country. These initiatives are conducted in places, and at times, to suit the rhythm of women who have to balance caring for their families with learning new skills.

We are also one of four countries in the Arab region (the others being Lebanon, Oman and Tunisia) with clear public budgets for ESD – proof of our commitment to creating lasting change.
Not many people know this, but Jordan is blessed with stunning nature reserves. They have enabled us to develop several award-winning sustainable tourism and eco-tourism projects, which help us both protect and promote the things that are most precious to us. Together with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, and several other NGOs, we’re working hard to strike a balance between developing these areas, and encouraging people to visit, which generates income for local communities.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

World Heritage

Earth heritage: A common past... and future
The history of Earth spans some 3.5 billion years. In recognition of the 2008 International Year of Planet Earth, this issue will focus on the world’s geological heritage and help us understand the key events in the history of life on our planet, beginning with an overview of the primary World Heritage sites that display geological values.

Treasures and challenges of World Heritage volcanoes
Volcanoes have played an important role in the geological history of the Earth, and they still modify and transform the landscape. Many natural sites inscribed on the World Heritage List include active or dormant volcanoes.

Eons of erosion: Karst landscapes on the World Heritage List
The word karst stems from karra or gara, meaning stone. The karst landscapes of the Škocjan Caves (Slovenia) and South China Karst (China) World Heritage sites are both characterized by caves, dry valleys, gorges, natural bridges, fluted rock outcrops and large springs.

Icons of the record of life: Fossil World Heritage sites
Fossils are evidence of ancient life in the form of bones, shells tracks, trails, carbonized impressions, moulds or casts. World Heritage fossil sites have played a significant role in reconstructing and demonstrating this history.

Global Network of National Geoparks
Geoparks use a holistic approach to conservation where all aspects of the natural and cultural heritage are valued, conserved and promoted under the geopark label.

Peter Bobrowsky, Secretary General of the International Union of Geological Sciences, and Andrew Goudie, President of the International Association of Geomorphologists

Advisory Bodies
World Heritage at IUCN's World Conservation Congress

Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity comes into being; Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage enters into force

Preserving Petra: Dr Talal Akasheh and the Geographic Information System

Rehabilitation of San Sebastian Fortress; Disaster Risk Reduction Programme developed for World Heritage sites; Altai Mountains Workshop; Australian Funds-in-Trust support activities in Asia-Pacific; Lalibela Conservation Action Plan implemented; Reactive monitoring mission to Edinburgh; Workshop on birthplace of the Lord Buddha; Aksum Obelisk restored following reinstallation; Indian mayors visit five French cities; World Heritage Cities Act; Riga and Lyons cooperate; Periodic reporting: what have we learned?

In Danger
Consolidation of the Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works; Mining incompatible with World Heritage status of Mount Nimba; New crisis at Virunga National Park; LRA Rebels attack Garamba National Park Headquarters.

Patrimonito Volunteer Camps a success; Fellowships awarded for World Heritage; Sacred Mountains; European Commission contributes €2.5 million to Central Africa World Heritage Forest Initiative; Tides of Time; 'Alliance of World Heritage Cultural Landscapes' formed; Spain honours the UNESCO World Heritage Centre; Launch of 2009 International Year of Astronomy; World Heritage Centre receives World Tourism Award; UNESCO signs partnership with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA); Ashok Khosla new President of IUCN; Joining of volcanic forces; ICOMOS elects new leadership; 2008-2009 World Heritage map available; Sky race for heritage; Jim Charleton.