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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Country…

purplemountains2Part of me wants to disappear and drive to the Rockies…fell instantaneously in love with the topography of Colorado when I was driving to Vegas and became simply gobsmacked at the sheer heights and ethereal beauty of our country.

Whenever I travel cross country (which seems quite often these days) I am astounded by the vastness of our great nation….of our highway systems, people traveling….the variety of beauty contained within our nation: when it comes to our citizens, myraid of customs, down to simply watching the miles of roads passing me by.

Reminds me of the song America the Beautiful (used to belt this one out as a kid whenever I had a chance). :^)

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned – stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife.
Who more than self the country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for halcyon skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!

O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America ! America !
God shed his grace on thee
Till paths be wrought through
wilds of thought
By pilgrim foot and knee!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man’s avail
Men lavished precious life !
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!

By Katherine Lee Bates

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Getting “to know” the library again

"A new adventure awaits!"

"A new adventure awaits!"

Ever since grade school I have held such an intense fascination for books. They were my form of escape.

Through college I used to live at the library eager to get into my hands a brand new world…reading pages upon pages of the most delicious…exciting adventures…always imagined myself in the position of the heroine.

I miss those days–reading the classics, one of my favorites were those penned by Charlotte and Emily Brontë .

Planning to get a library card and renew my lifelong passion.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The New Nation – Internet Edition

Story Summary:…Even when Dr Abdul Kalam, then President, raised the subject based on my inputs there was no sincere attempt to clarify the position….Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group….Independent private studies (Dutch & German) have revealed that vaccinated children suffer much more than their un-vaccinated counterparts….There are no tests to determine the effects of multiple vaccines….As per senior doctors quoted by the Times of India, Children suffer from less that 2% of vaccine preventable illnesses but 98% of the vaccines are targeted towards them….Children are vaccinated simply because parents can be frightened to forcefully vaccinate their children….Parents have been advised against vaccinating in private clinics and hospitals….Vaccines contain heavy metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing any harm….The CDC of USA, the vaccine watchdog, has publicly admitted that its much-publicized 2003 study denying any link between vaccines and autism, is flawed….The Autism epidemic is found only in those countries that have allowed mass vaccinations….In the year 1999, the US Government instructed vaccine manufacturers to remove mercury from vaccines with immediate effect….The brain being made mostly of fat cells, most of the mercury accumulates there giving rise to the peculiar symptoms of the autistic children….As per a Tehelka article on Autism, if one considers the WHO limit for mercury in water, they are receiving 50,000 times the limit….It destroys the brain causing severe memory and attention problems….The majority of symptoms displayed by autistic children match symptoms of heavy metal poisoning….Majority of the school shootings by the children in the USA have been committed by autistic children….As per a recent study the MMR vaccine has an adverse effect on the vital mucosal immune system….The DPT also causes children to regress giving rise to fears that multiple live virus vaccines are an important cause behind autism….Before the autism epidemic, it was already well known that vaccines have caused the cancer epidemic in todays society….This serum has helped many cancer causing monkey viruses, 60 found so far (SV 1 to SV60), to enter the human blood stream….It is also known that it is the use of green monkey serum in vaccines that has led to the transfer of the Simian Immune deficiency Virus (SIV) from monkeys into humans….Infantile jaundice and also infantile diabetes is also scientifically connected to the toxic vaccines….The OPV has also let loose a new strain of polio in both India and Africa….Deaths and permanent disability from vaccines is very common and known by the medical community….They are instructed by the Government to keep quiet and not to associate such cases with vaccines….Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today….The mothers milk therefore does not contain natural antibodies and can no longer protect the child against illnesses….In the USA vaccine adverse effects are recorded and the Government offers compensation of millions of dollars to victims (the most recent case in its Vaccine Court may have received upto $200 million in damages)….The Indian Government simply refuses to acknowledge that vaccines can cause deaths and permanent disability….We still do not know enough about the human immune system and therefore should not interfere with it….In India the Government assures the population through massive advertising campaigns that vaccines are extremely safe….Senior medical doctors have challenged even the vaccines recommended by the Government of India….The BCG vaccine for tuberculosis has been extensively tested in India as long back as 1961 and found to be totally ineffective….The Hep-B vaccine introduced recently is not meant for children at all, it is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease that should be targeted only at promiscuous adults….The doctors themselves avoid giving the DPT to their children and relatives as per a survey amongst US health care professionals….The Rotavirus vaccine, Hib vaccine, HPV vaccine and the various multi virus vaccines being introduced without any kind of testing is only because the vaccine manufacturers and the doctors administering them want to ensure a good income from them….They care two hoots about medical ethics and the fate of the children who will receive these vaccines….Various independent studies, notably the Dutch and the more recent German study, comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children have found that vaccinated children are prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, hyperactivity etc. The death rate amongst vaccinated children is much more than the unvaccinated ones….The powerful countries can spread lethal epidemics by just polluting the vaccines with bio warfare agents….This is obviously at the instance of foreign (read US) vaccine giants who are shifting base to India reeling at the tremendous opposition to vaccines in US and European countries….The Govt of India is planning a vaccine park at Chennai where these vaccine MNCs will set up base….As per the IOM, USA, vaccine research for a probable link between vaccines and autism should not be conducted….The IOM concluded that efforts to find a link between vaccines and autism must be balanced against the broader benefit of the current vaccine program for all children…

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Times Online - Science Central - WBLG: The Times Debate: Your Genetic Future

Story Summary:…Kari bridled at this, eyes blazing like lava floes in Giless wonderful phrase, and insisted this was simply untrue….But I sided with Helen on another issue, which provoked a less predictable explosion from Kari and a declaration that I was unimpeachably wrong….This time, Karis ire was inspired by my comment that most genetic effects are probabalistic, not deterministic….Most people wrongly still think of genetics as primarily a deterministic science, a matter of effects that are written in the genes, when genetic influences are usually much more fuzzy….Ownership of one of these does not mean that you will get this disease or that, only that your genetic risk is higher than average….This has to be taken into account when we think about genetic discrimination….It means that assessing somebodys suitability for a job on the basis of their DNA would not only be unfair, but also misguided….This doesnt means that genetic testing will not have great medical utility….It will — not least in identifying higher-risk people who might usefully be screened early for diseases such as breast and prostate cancer….Pick your candidate on the basis of his or her genes, and you stand a very good chance of missing out on the one who would perform best….Mark Hendersonis Science Editor of The Times, and a double winner of the Norwich Union / Medical Journalists Association awards….He is the author of 50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know….He is the author of 50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know….Sam Listeris the Health Editor of The Times….She has a PhD in space physics from Imperial College but has long given up being a proper scientist….She has a PhD in space physics from Imperial College but has long given up being a proper scientist….Read the Full Story

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Come, let's change the life and let's change the world - together - for one and for all!

Will you run with me, enjoying and free?

I promise you, you will lose nothing but for your worries.

Come, let's change the life and let's change the world - together - for one and for all!


I am addressing you...

You - who still are left with some fire within!

Just don't let it extinguish, just keep it burning till you keep running!

But let's stop for a moment and take a close look at the facts of life first; using our gray matter intelligently in order to ascertain what has gone wrong and where.

Come; let's, at least, try to change the life and let's, at least, try to change the world - together - for one and for all!

Even trying is its own fun in itself!

Let's change the world!

...the way we live,

...the way we love,

...the way we learn,

...the way we earn,

...the way we play,

...the way we slay,

...the way we rule,

...the way we fool,

...the way we act,

...and interact,

let's change it all,

and break every wall,

between man and man,

O yes, we CAN!

What has gone wrong, and where?


I lived many years a victim to all the socio-economic pressures on to my psyche that it preys on us with.

But then one fine morning I said enough was enough.

I came out of the maze.

I stepped out of the rat race.

But that didn't mean that I stopped running.

I did that at my own pace.

And surprisingly I discovered I ran faster than I did when I was running to win!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Structure For Life

Welcome to Structure for Life, the practice of Erin Herdina, Certified Advanced Rolfer in Minnetonka, Minnesota. I am dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of my clients through Structural Integration, the science and art of Rolfing.

If you are not yet familiar with Rolfing or Structural Integration, I've provided information About Rolfing that I hope you will find useful:

  1. The Basics of Rolfing
  2. A Video Introduction to Rolfing
  3. Benefits of Rolfing
  4. Getting Started with Rolfing
  5. The History of Rolfing
  6. Rolfing FAQ
  7. More Information

Questions? Need a consultation?

If you have comments or questions about my services, or if you simply want more information, please contact me.

Thank you for visiting and I look forward to working with you.